submitted by rasta 3966 days ago (via
United Airlines will be introducing a new in-flight movie service for both iPhone and iPad this April, allowing flyers to watch over 150 movies and 200 TV shows on their device, according to PatentlyApple. According to United, "Most planes will be equipped with the new system very soon, and we'll have it installed on most domestic aircraft by the end of 2014. We'll begin on Airbus A319, Airbus A32
submitted by rasta 3966 days ago (via
Beginning in April, United Airlines will be rolling out a new onboard entertainment system, exclusively for use with your personal iOS device or laptop. The free service will allow you to choose from over 150 movies, and nearly 200 television shows.
submitted by rasta 3966 days ago (via
As mockups go, this iPhone 6 concept video via Ran Avni and company shows off much of what I would love to see in the next iPhone redesign. The design language from the iPod touch, iPad Air, and iPad mini is just begging to be coupled with the iPhone. Personally, I’m a big fan of the […]
submitted by rasta 3966 days ago (via
United Airlines is preparing to launch a brand-new service for in-flight movies that will be exclusive to Apple’s iOS devices. The service will allow customers to stream around 150 movies and 200 TV shows to their devices completely free while mid-flight. The airline plans to start rolling this service as soon as next month for […]
submitted by rasta 3966 days ago (via
Apple kicked off its annual iTunes Festival event at SXSW last night with music from Coldplay and others. The shows continue tonight with a series of live-streamed performanes by Isaiah Rashad at 8PM, ScHoolboy Q at 8:45PM, and Kendrick Lamar at 10PM. Since the show is in Austin, Texas, the schedule is on Central time …  You can […]
submitted by SFitts 3964 days ago (via
Game cheats аre extremely popular tɦese days to ensure that you don't ran ߋut οf money οr other items that aгe very important to gamers. ʟook nowhere otherwise ɑnd check out our Hay Day hack tool! ʜere iѕ tҺe ultimate tool tҺat you need to generating tɦings that yοu'll require without paying anythіng. Get tɦе hack tool noѡ oг ʏou'll eliminate yoսr opportunity to obtaiո the i
submitted by rasta 3963 days ago (via
While new movies and TV shows appear every day on iTunes, it’s rare that a movie debuts on iTunes and in movie theaters on the exact same day. Veronica Mars does just that. The revival of the cult classic TV…Read more ›    
submitted by rasta 3961 days ago (via
Siri didn’t become a feature of iOS until the launch of the iPhone 4s in October 2011. A patent published Tuesday, however, shows how the idea of the “intelligent automated assistant” that would become Siri was being worked on as…Read more ›    
submitted by rasta 3961 days ago (via
Former WSJ Apple writer Yukari Iwatani Kane’s long-awaited book based on more than 200 interviews with current and former executives and insiders goes on sale today  ($12.74 Amazon/$14.99 iBookstore/Free Audible Audiobook). We got an advance copy, and I enjoyed the first 85 pages or so of background including Steve Jobs’s transitioning the company during the last bout with […
submitted by rasta 3960 days ago (via
Like every software platform, Android Wear’s future success will hinge on how it’s supported by third-party developers. But there’s one thing we can be absolutely sure of at this stage — and that is that Google has at least got…Read more ›    

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